Datadog Summit Tokyoにおいては、弊社の国内外の主要メンバーのみならず、Datadogコミュニティーの主要メンバーとも会話ができる大切な場所としてご活用いただけるよう、セッションの後には懇親会も開催いたします。
Datadog Summitは、「Datadogの先進的なユーザーから気づきやノウハウを得る。観測性重視の組織の構築について学ぶ。新しい機能・サービスをいち早く知る。」といったメリットが多数の絶好の機会です。
By attending this event I acknowledge that I may be exposed to information which the Exhibitor, Datadog, Inc., considers confidential and wishes to limit the disclosure of. I hereby agree to keep such information confidential and to not disclose such information to any third parties. I further represent that I am not employed by a competitor of the Exhibitor and am not attending this Event with the intent to access any such confidential information or gain a competitive advantage for my employer. I hereby give permission to the Exhibitor to use my image, likeness, appearance, voice, and any written or spoken testimonials given by me in connection with the marketing and promotion of this Event and/or any Datadog products or Events.