Best Practices for Consolidating Observability Tools | Datadog

Best Practices for Consolidating Observability Tools

Learn how to maximize the value of migrating your observability tooling to a unified platform.

Best Practices for Consolidating Observability Tools

Learn how to maximize the value of migrating your observability tooling to a unified platform.

Managing multiple observability tools often leads to a number of operational inefficiencies and pain points, including:

  • Higher Licensing Spend
  • Multiple Vendor Relationships to Manage
  • Manual Data Correlation
  • More Intensive Overall Maintenance Requirements

Datadog is a unified platform that provides a single source of truth across an organization’s stack, allowing customers to focus on business objectives instead of observability gaps.

This eBook outlines the specific steps an organization should take to get the most out of their Datadog investment during a tools consolidation effort.

These Steps Include:

  • Create an Inventory Map
  • Consolidate Dashboards
  • Consolidate Alerts

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