RUM Tail-Based Sampling | Datadog
Real User Monitoring (RUM)

RUM Tail-Based Sampling

It is hard to understand at the beginning of sessions on front-end applications whether they are going to offer a good user experience or not: is it going to contain errors or crashes, network requests failing with 5xx status codes or pages with bad core web vitals?

With the RUM tail-based sampler, users can now send all their sessions to Datadog and dynamically decide, from Datadog’s UI and without redeploying their apps, which sessions to keep based on any events’ attributes.

To qualify for this product beta, you must currently have at least 5M monthly sessions (before any sampling).

Are you currently a Datadog customer? *

Thank you for your submission!

We’ll make sure to contact you whenever we are ready to onboard you in this beta. In the meantime, feel free to contact your CSM with any questions.

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