On-Call | Datadog
Service Management


On-Call seamlessly combines paging and observability telemetry to mobilize responders with more context. Instantly configure and coordinate your teams and services for faster issue resolution, better incident control and improved collaboration.
Are you currently a Datadog customer? *
By agreeing to this statement, you understand that the Company is solely responsible for its use of the beta On-Call Services, and that such use must comply with the Datadog On-Call SMS Notification Services here. Datadog is authorized to share the Company’s data with Twilio and Vonage for the purpose of providing and improving the On-Call Services, notwithstanding any notification requirements or objection rights outlined in any agreements with Datadog, including any Data Processing Addendum (DPA).

Thank you for your submission!

We’ll reach out soon with next steps. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to your CSM with any questions.

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