Multisource Querying | Datadog
Cloud Cost Management

Multisource Querying

After you start ingesting your AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, SaaS, or Datadog costs in Cloud Cost Management, multisource querying enables you to query costs across multiple providers using consistent and standardized tags. Build cost views, understand the total cost of service ownership, and alert on cost changes across providers

To qualify for this product beta, you must currently be using or plan to use Datadog Cloud Cost Management and have the same currency across cloud providers (support for multiple currencies coming soon.)

Related Resources

Are you currently a Datadog customer? *
Is your organization using Datadog Cloud Cost Management today? *
Which best describes your role? *
Which providers does your organization use? *
Does your organization view costs in multiple currencies, or any currency that is not USD? *

Thank you for your submission!

You can expect to hear back within a week receipt - in the meantime, feel free to contact your CSM and ask them to refer you to the product team directly.

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