Live Debugger | Datadog
Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Live Debugger

Datadog’s Live Debugger shows you both the high-level context of the bug—what services were involved and how they interacted—and the lines of code and the values of the local variables at the time of the execution that triggered the transaction.

To qualify for this product beta, your organization must currently be using Datadog Application Performance Monitoring (APM) for .Net, Python, or Java monitoring.

Related Resources

Are you currently a Datadog customer? *
Which runtime language(s) do you use for your application(s)? *
Have you previously used Datadog Exception Replay?
Have you previously installed/used Datadog's IDE Plugins?

Thank you for your submission!

We will be in contact shortly with next steps for the Live Debugger product beta. In the meantime feel free to let your CSM know that you’ve submitted this form.

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