Ingest OTLP Metrics directly to the Datadog Backend | Datadog
Infrastructure Monitoring

Ingest OTLP Metrics directly to the Datadog Backend

The OTLP metrics endpoint allows you to directly ingest metrics in OTLP format to Datadog when using an Agent or OTel Collector DD Exporter is not feasible. This feature is only applicable to Metrics in OTLP format (does not include traces or logs).

To qualify for this product beta, you must have qualified use cases for not being able to use the Datadog agent or OpenTelemetry Collector DataDog Exporter (for instance, AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry Lambda, using managed services such as Vercel, or Mulesoft etc.) Please provide details below.

Are you currently a Datadog customer? *
What type of metrics data are you looking to directly ingest to Datadog? *

Thank you for your submission!

Please reach out to the Datadog Sales team or your account manager if you don’t hear back from us within 5-7 business days.

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