Change Tracking | Datadog
Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Change Tracking

Change Tracking streamlines incident response by surfacing relevant changes and potential remediation steps within the Monitor page.

This experience enables quick resolution without leaving the Monitor page. Types of changes currently tracked:

  • Deployments
  • Feature-flag changes
  • Watchdog insights (faulty deploys, errors, etc.)
  • Traffic Anomalies
  • Database Changes
  • Kubernetes Pod Health changes

To qualify for this product beta, you must be currently using or plan to use Datadog Application Performance Monitoring (APM).

Are you currently a Datadog customer? *
If so, which of the following Datadog products does your organization use?
Which changes you are most excited to have highlighted when responding to incidents? *
Change Tracking is only available within the new Monitor Status page. Do you agree with enabling this new page for your organization? * This revamped experience will help responders get up-to-speed with ongoing problems, preventing them from navigating to multiple pages to gather the information needed to start their investigation
What cloud providers do you use? *
If using AWS, are you subscribed to the AWS Config service?

Thank you for your submission!

Your response has been recorded. We will reach out to you soon! In the meantime, feel free to reach out to your CSM with any questions.

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