Azure Functions 3-Pillar Monitoring | Datadog

Azure Functions 3-Pillar Monitoring

Looking to trace your Azure Functions with Datadog? Look no further! Datadog is now building an optimized tracing solution for Azure Functions, enabling you to to trace requests through your serverless apps and correlate information captured through our ultralight serverless-optimized agent - all within the same pane of glass. For early access join our private beta today!

To qualify for this product beta, you must be using Azure functions. Entrance will be rate limited by weekly quotas depending on demand.

Are you currently a Datadog customer? *
Which Azure Functions hosting plan do you use? *
Which runtime do you use for your application? *
Who owns instrumentation of your org's Azure Function apps? *
Would you like to be notified of future related beta programs? If yes, we'll reach out to the email provided above

Thank you for your submission!

You can expect to hear back within 1-2 weeks of receipt - in the meantime, feel free to contact your CSM and ask them to refer you to the product team directly.

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