Agent with Embedded OpenTelemetry Collector | Datadog
Infrastructure Monitoring

Agent with Embedded OpenTelemetry Collector

The Datadog Agent now embeds a fully configurable OpenTelemetry(OTel) Collector, enabling customers to take advantage of Datadog’s industry-leading observability solutions while accessing the complete capabilities of the OTel Collector.

With the unified OpenTelemetry Collector and Datadog Agent experience, you can:

  • Access Datadog’s comprehensive observability solutions alongside existing OpenTelemetry capabilities.
  • Manage fleets of embedded OpenTelemetry Collectors remotely with Datadog Fleet Automation and onboard faster without manual configurations.
  • Receive dedicated assistance for onboarding and troubleshooting from Datadog’s global support team when using the Datadog Agent with the embedded OTel Collector and Datadog’s observability platform.

This feature only applies to containerized/K8s environments, Linux OS systems. To qualify for this product beta, you must have or plan to have remote configuration enabled on your installed Datadog Agents.

Related Resources

Are you currently a Datadog customer? *
Are you currently using OpenTelemetry in your tech stack? *
If using OpenTelemetry collector, how are you deploying your collector?

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