Join the Datadog Private Beta Program | Datadog

Join the Datadog Private Beta Program

Here at Datadog, our Product teams work to build intuitive features that solve real problems for our customers - user feedback is a key component as we continue building the platform for modern monitoring & security.

Check out the available product betas below and register to be considered for early-access, direct collaboration with our product teams, and more.

Infrastructure Monitoring

Agent with Embedded OpenTelemetry Collector

The Datadog Agent now embeds a fully configurable OpenTelemetry(OTel) Collector, enabling customers to take advantage of Datadog’s industry-leading observability solutions while accessing the complete capabilities of the OTel Collector.

With the unified OpenTelemetry …

Bits AI

Bits AI Autonomous Investigations

Bits AI, Datadog’s generative AI copilot can now autonomously investigate alerts and coordinate incidents, offering faster resolutions and boosting operational efficiency.
Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Change Tracking

Change Tracking streamlines incident response by surfacing relevant changes and potential remediation steps within the Monitor page.

This experience enables quick resolution without leaving the Monitor page. Types of changes currently tracked:

  • Deployments
  • Feature-flag …
Sensitive Data Scanner / Cloud Security Management

Data Security

Data Security finds sensitive data and helps you fix security vulnerabilities affecting your AWS S3 buckets and RDS instances.

To qualify for this product beta, you must have or plan to have Sensitive Data Scanner (SDS) and Cloud Security Management enabled. You should …

Container Monitoring

Kubernetes Autoscaling

Datadog Kubernetes Autoscaling lets you save cost and increase Kubernetes resource efficiency by rightsizing your Kubernetes applications and clusters.

To qualify for this product beta, you must currently use Datadog Container Monitoring.

Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Live Debugger

Datadog’s Live Debugger shows you both the high-level context of the bug—what services were involved and how they interacted—and the lines of code and the values of the local variables at the time of the execution that triggered the transaction.

To qualify for this …

Log Management

Log Workspaces

Get the most out of your Logs using a suite of new capabilities in Log Workspaces. Join and transform multiple datasets, chain queries together, and create rich reports with derived insights in this new and powerful collaborative space within Datadog’s unified platform. …

Service Management


On-Call seamlessly combines paging and observability telemetry to mobilize responders with more context. Instantly configure and coordinate your teams and services for faster issue resolution, better incident control and improved collaboration.
Digital Experience

Product Analytics

With Product Analytics prioritize product decisions with confidence, capture real user behavior, understand exactly where and how user behavior is affected by any issue in your technology stack to fix the actual root cause.

Azure App Service (AAS) - Sidecar Support

Azure’s App Service sidecar solution allows you to add Datadog as an integration directly through the user interface, reducing the need to instrument your code directly. This new functionality allows developers to run the Datadog integration alongside the main …

CoScreen / CoTerm / Slack Integrations

CoScreen / CoTerm / Slack Discussions on Dashboards

CoScreen is a collaborative screen sharing tool for engineering teams. It can be used for pair programming, collaborative debugging, and team meetings.

CoTerm allows you to record your terminal into Datadog to view live or async, with built-in secrets filtering to …

Network Device Monitoring

Create Alerts on NetFlow Traffic

NetFlow Monitors allows you to proactively set thresholds-based monitors on NetFlow traffic so your network team can be alerted on abnormal spikes in traffic so you can proactively take action, such as blocking the traffic, before volumes increase substantially and …

Cloud Cost Management

Daily Datadog Costs

You can now visualize and get alerted on daily Datadog costs, so that your engineering teams are empowered to take ownership of their costs in their existing workflows. Cloud Cost Management (CCM) will automatically surface Datadog costs in dashboards, notebooks, cost …

Platform Capabilities

Datadog Disaster Recovery

Datadog Disaster Recovery (DDR) is the disaster recovery capability of Datadog that provides you continuity of observability in rare outage events affecting availability of a cloud provider region or a Datadog site.

  • DDR provides you the ability to recover live …
Platform Capabilities

Datadog Sheets

Sheets lets you manipulate, transform and analyze logs, real user monitoring and metrics data in a familiar spreadsheet interface.

To qualify for this product beta, you should have existing use cases where you currently use spreadsheets (e.g. in Excel, Google Sheets) …

Platform Capabilities

Domain Allowlist

Domain allowlist provides the ability to restrict or allow which email domains a notification can be sent to. This allows you to more tightly control which email domains can receive notifications, improving security and overall governance.
Network Device Monitoring

Easily Onboard and Start Monitoring Network Devices to Datadog

NDM Device Onboarding provides a GUI based option to customize metrics and tags when onboarding devices, eliminating the need for manual configuration. This extends Network Device Monitoring’s existing OOTB support for hundreds of leading vendors and device …

Fleet Automation

Enable Products from Fleet Automation

Easily get setup with Datadog products directly from Fleet Automation. Eliminate the need to redeploy your infrastructure to modify Agent configurations and ensure there is consistent product coverage and configuration across your fleet of Agents.

To qualify for this …


Google Cloud Run - Sidecar Support

Google’s sidecar solution allows you to add Datadog as an integration completely through the GCP user interface, reducing the need to instrument your code directly. This allows you to focus on core application development with lower deployment overhead and maintenance …

Infrastructure Monitoring

Ingest OTLP Metrics directly to the Datadog Backend

The OTLP metrics endpoint allows you to directly ingest metrics in OTLP format to Datadog when using an Agent or OTel Collector DD Exporter is not feasible. This feature is only applicable to Metrics in OTLP format (does not include traces or logs).

To qualify for this …

Platform Capabilities

Monitor Status Page

On monitor alerts, every single minute spent pondering the blast radius for customers, understanding the root cause of the problem and involving the right people to mitigate the issue is stressful. The revamped Monitor Status Page will help responders to get up-to-speed …

Universal Service Monitoring

Monitoring Kafka and PostgreSQL with USM

You can now monitor Kafka and PostgreSQL with Universal Service Monitoring. This allows you to automatically discover, map, and monitor queues and databases in your environment.

Please review the below requirements to be considered for this product beta:

  • [Kafka] …

Nested Queries

Nested queries allow users to reuse the aggregated results of an existing metric query as input to a subsequent one.

With nested queries, you have access to the next generation of metric query capabilities within Datadog such as:

  • Multilayer aggregation: the ability to …
Service Level Objectives (SLOs)

OOTB SLO Dashboard

The new, out-of-the-box SLO dashboard allows engineering leadership to understand your organization’s reliability at a glance. The dashboard supports aggregated views of SLOs as well as a summary Score, making it easy to understand SLO performance across different …

Workflow Automation / App Builder

Private Actions

Private Actions allows you to securely execute actions within your private network using action-driven products like App Builder and Workflow Automation. After gaining access, you will be able to execute private actions such as Kubernetes deployment group pod restarts …

Resource Catalog

Recent Changes Tab

Infrastructure changes often trigger incidents, but troubleshooting these incidents is challenging when responders have to navigate through multiple tools to correlate telemetry with configuration changes.

Datadog’s Resource Catalog now streamlines infrastructure …

Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Resource-based Sampling / Adaptive Sampling

Resource-based sampling allows you to control ingestion sampling rates by resource (endpoint), in order to ensure capturing a higher proportion of business critical traces, while remaining within budget. Manage these sampling rates directly from the UI and apply these …

Cloud SIEM

Risk-Based Entity Insights

Cloud SIEM’s Risk Based Entity Insights for AWS correlates traditional SIEM signals with Cloud Security Management insights to provide holistic context into your investigations. Additionally, each Entity Insight will be paired with a heuristic risk score in order to …

Real User Monitoring (RUM)

RUM SDK Auto-Injection

Getting started with Real User Monitoring (RUM) just got easier. Rather than modifying and redeploying every frontend application that you want to use RUM with, start collecting RUM data for your application by simply editing a configuration file on your server.
Real User Monitoring (RUM)

RUM Tail-Based Sampling

It is hard to understand at the beginning of sessions on front-end applications whether they are going to offer a good user experience or not: is it going to contain errors or crashes, network requests failing with 5xx status codes or pages with bad core web vitals? …

Log Management

Sensitive Data Scanner using Agent in your premises

Sensitive Data Scanner (SDS) using Agent allows you to directly apply 80+ out-of-the-box SDS rules to redact sensitive information in your application logs before data leaves your premises, ensuring data compliance and security prior to sending logs to Datadog.

To …

Application Performance Monitoring (APM)

Service Health

The Service Health panel provides a real-time summary of service signals to help you understand if a service needs your attention.

To qualify for this product beta, you must be currently using or plan to use Datadog Application Performance Monitoring.

Fleet Automation

Upgrade Agents from Fleet Automation

Upgrade your fleet of Agents directly from Fleet Automation. Eliminate the need to work with multiple deployment tools and coordinate with internal teams in order to easily have access to the latest features and performance improvements of the Agent.

To qualify for this …


Watchdog Explains - Graph Insights

Watchdog Explains is a powerful new investigation assistant that will instantly guide you to the root cause on any graph. For any graph on a dashboard, customers will see an explanation – backed by data – on which specific tags or groups are causing that spike.

Please …