Datadog Product Allotments | Datadog

Estimate your product allotments

Allotments are included with the usage of select parent products for both monthly and hourly metering options.

Allotments Calculator

Use the calculator below to determine your total allotments by parent product.

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*Containers are only eligible for hourly on-demand frequency. The total listed is allotted per hour.

The calculator is based on default terms for standard billing agreements only. Refer to your billing agreement for special terms and additional information that may alter your billing calculations.

How are allotments applied to my billable usage?

View product aggregation functions here.



High Watermark

Custom Metrics Example



Usage HourHour 1Hour 2Hour 3
Billable Usage2,0001,5001,500
Included Usage1,5001,5001,500
On-demand Usage50000

With a commitment of 1000 Custom Metrics and 5 Infrastructure Pro hosts:

Allotments from Infrastructure hosts = 5 * 100 = 500 Custom Metrics

Included usage = 500 + 1000 = 1500 Custom Metrics per hour

Average across all usage hours = (500+0+0)/3 = 166 Custom Metrics (on-demand usage for the month)

  • With an hourly on-demand option, your usage is metered each hour and included usage is subtracted from your usage each hour to get hourly on-demand usage.
  • At the end of the month, we take an average by summing on demand usage across all hours and dividing by the number of hours in the month.
Usage HourHour 1Hour 2Hour 3
Billable Usage2,0001,5001,500

With a commitment of 1000 Custom Metrics and 5 Infrastructure Pro hosts, billable usage will be broken down as follows:

Average across all usage hours in the month = (2,000+1,500+1,000)/3 = 1500 Custom Metrics as billable usage

Allotments from Infrastructure hosts = 5 * 100 = 500 Custom Metrics

1500 Custom Metrics (billable usage) - 1000 Custom Metrics (commitment) - 500 Custom Metrics (allotment) = 0 Custom Metrics (on-demand usage)

  • With a monthly on-demand option, your billable usage is averaged across all usage hours in the month, then your commitments and allotments are subtracted at the end of the month to get on-demand usage.

Indexed Spans Example



Usage HourHour 1Hour 2Hour 3
Billable Usage10,0003,0006,850
Included Usage6,8506,8506,850
On-demand Usage3,15000

With a commitment of 1,000,000 Indexed Spans and 5 APM Enterprise Hosts

Allotments from APM Enterprise hosts 5 * 1370 = 6,850  Indexed Spans per hour

Sum of on-demand usage across all usage hours in the month = 3,150 + 0 + 0 = 3,150 Indexed Spans for the month

3,150 (billable on-demand usage) - 1,000,000 (commitment) = 0 Indexed Spans (on-demand usage for the month)

  • On hourly, allotments are subtracted from billable usage each hour. At the end of the month, on-demand usage is summed for all usage hours in the month, then the commitment is applied and any remainder is billed.
Usage HourHour 1Hour 2Hour 3
Billable Usage10,000,0005,000,00015,000,000

With a commitment of 1,000,000 Indexed Spans and 5 APM Hosts,

Allotments from APM Enterprise hosts 5 * 1,000,000 = 5,000,000 Indexed Spans per month

Included usage = 5,000,000 + 1,000,000 = 6,000,000 Indexed Spans per month

Sum across all usage hours in the month = 30,000,000 Indexed Spans for the month

30,000,000 Indexed Spans(billable usage) - 6,000,000 Indexed Spans (included usage) = 24,000,000 Indexed Spans (on-demand usage)

  • On monthly, billable usage is summed at the end of the month, then allotments and commitments are applied. Any remainder is billed.

Profiled Hosts Example

Usage HourHour 1Hour 2Hour 3
Billable Usage1089

With a commitment of 5 APM Enterprise Hosts and 2 Profiled Hosts

Allotments from APM Enterprise hosts = 5 * 1 = 5 Profiled Hosts

Included usage = 5 + 2 = 7 Profiled Hosts

99th percentile usage hour = 10 Profiled Hosts (billable usage)

10 Profiled Hosts (billable usage) - 7 Profiled Hosts (included usage) = 3 Profiled Hosts (on-demand usage)

  • This option is available under the monthly on-demand option only and is used to calculate usage for host-based products.
  • Usage is metered every hour. At the end of the month, hourly measurements are ordered from highest to lowest.
  • The included usage is applied to the 99th percentile measurement and the remaining usage is billed at an on-demand rate.

For a full list of product aggregation functions, see documentation.

What Is Included

Allotment Product

Default Quantity

Parent ProductWhat Is Included
Allotment ProductMonthly On-Demand

Default Quantity per Month

Hourly On-Demand

Default Quantity per Hour

Infrastructure Pro

Custom Metrics

100 custom metrics per host

100 custom metrics per host

Ingested Custom Metrics

100 ingested custom metrics per host

100 ingested custom metrics per host


5 containers per host

5 containers per host

Custom Events

500 custom events per host

0.68 custom events per host

Infrastructure Enterprise

Custom Metrics

200 custom metrics per host

200 custom metrics per host

Ingested Custom Metrics

200 ingested custom metrics per host

200 ingested custom metrics per host


10 containers per host

10 containers per host

Custom Events

1,000 custom events per host

1.37 custom events per host

Infrastructure DevSecOps Pro

Custom Metrics

100 custom metrics per host

100 custom metrics per host

Ingested Custom Metrics

100 ingested custom metrics per host

100 ingested custom metrics per host

Infrastructure DevSecOps Containers

5 containers per host

5 containers per host

Custom Events

500 custom events per host

0.68 custom events per host

Workflow Automation

5 executions per host

0.0068 executions per host

Infrastructure DevSecOps Enterprise

Custom Metrics

200 custom metrics per host

200 custom metrics per host

Ingested Custom Metrics

200 ingested custom metrics per host

200 ingested custom metrics per host

Infrastructure DevSecOps Containers

10 containers per host

10 containers per host

Custom Events

1,000 custom events per host

1.37 custom events per host

Workflow Automation

20 executions per host

0.027 executions per host


Custom Metrics

20 custom metrics per device

20 custom metrics per device

Ingested Custom Metrics

20 ingested custom metrics per device

20 ingested custom metrics per device


Indexed Spans

1,000,000 indexed spans per APM host

1,370 indexed spans per APM host

Ingested Spans

150 GB per APM host

0.205 GB per APM host


Indexed Spans

1,000,000 indexed spans per APM host

1,370 indexed spans per APM host

Ingested Spans

150 GB per APM host

0.205 GB per APM host

Data Streams Monitoring

1 DSM host per APM host

1 DSM host per APM host

APM Enterprise

Indexed Spans

1,000,000 indexed spans per APM host

1,370 indexed spans per APM host

Ingested Spans

150 GB per APM host

0.205 GB per APM host

Data Streams Monitoring

1 DSM host per APM host

1 DSM host per APM host

Continuous Profiler

1 profiled host per APM host

1 profiled host per APM host

Profiled Containers

4 profiled containers per APM host

4 profiled containers per APM host

APM DevSecOps

Indexed Spans

1,000,000 indexed spans per APM host

1,370 indexed spans per APM host

Ingested Spans

150 GB per APM host

0.205 GB per APM host

APM DevSecOps Pro

Indexed Spans

1,000,000 indexed spans per APM host

1,370 indexed spans per APM host

Ingested Spans

150 GB per APM host

0.205 GB per APM host

Data Streams Monitoring

1 DSM host per APM host

1 DSM host per APM host

APM DevSecOps Enterprise

Indexed Spans

1,000,000 indexed spans per APM host

1,370 indexed spans per APM host

Ingested Spans

150 GB per APM host

0.205 GB per APM host

Data Streams Monitoring

1 DSM host per APM host

1 DSM host per APM host

Continuous Profiler

1 profiled host per APM host

1 profiled host per APM host

Profiled Containers

4 profiled containers per APM host

4 profiled containers per APM host

Fargate (APM)

Indexed Spans

65,000 indexed spans per fargate task

89.04 indexed spans per fargate task

Ingested Spans

10 GB per fargate task

0.0137 GB per fargate task

Fargate (APM Enterprise)

Indexed Spans

65,000 indexed spans per fargate task

89.04 indexed spans per fargate task

Ingested Spans

10 GB per fargate task

0.0137 GB per fargate task

Fargate Task (Continuous Profiler)

1 profiled task per fargate task

1 profiled task per fargate task

Serverless APM

Indexed Spans

300,000 indexed spans per 1M invocations

411 indexed spans per 1M invocations

Ingested Spans

50 GB per 1M invocations

0.068 GB per 1M invocations

Serverless Workload Monitoring - Functions

Custom Metrics

5 custom metrics per function

5 custom metrics per function

Ingested Custom Metrics

5 ingested custom metrics per function

5 ingested custom metrics per function

Serverless Workload Monitoring - Apps

Custom Metrics

5 custom metrics per instance app

5 custom metrics per instance app

Ingested Custom Metrics

5 ingested custom metrics per instance app

5 ingested custom metrics per instance app

Continuous Profiler

Profiled Containers

4 profiled containers per profiled host

4 profiled containers per profiled host

Database Monitoring

Normalized Queries

200 queries per database host

200 queries per database host

Pipeline Visibility

Pipeline Spans

400,000 spans per committer

547.95 spans per committer

Test Optimization

Test Spans

1,000,000 spans per committer

1,370 spans per committer

Cloud Security Management Pro

CSM Pro Containers

5 containers per CSM host

5 containers per CSM host

Workflow Automation

5 executions per CSM host

0.0068 executions per CSM host

Cloud Security Management Enterprise

CSM Enterprise Containers

20 containers per CSM host

20 containers per CSM host

Workflow Automation

20 executions per CSM host

0.027 executions per CSM host

Cloud Workload Security

CWS Containers

4 containers per CWS host

4 containers per CWS host

App Builder

Workflow Automation

5,000 executions per published app

6.80 executions per published app

Infrastructure Pro

Custom Metrics

100 custom metrics per host

100 custom metrics per host

Ingested Custom Metrics

100 ingested custom metrics per host

100 ingested custom metrics per host


5 containers per host

5 containers per host

Custom Events

500 custom events per host

0.68 custom events per host

Infrastructure Enterprise

Custom Metrics

200 custom metrics per host

200 custom metrics per host

Ingested Custom Metrics

200 ingested custom metrics per host

200 ingested custom metrics per host


10 containers per host

10 containers per host

Custom Events

1,000 custom events per host

1.37 custom events per host

Infrastructure DevSecOps Pro

Custom Metrics

100 custom metrics per host

100 custom metrics per host

Ingested Custom Metrics

100 ingested custom metrics per host

100 ingested custom metrics per host

Infrastructure DevSecOps Containers

5 containers per host

5 containers per host

Custom Events

500 custom events per host

0.68 custom events per host

Workflow Automation

5 executions per host

0.0068 executions per host

Infrastructure DevSecOps Enterprise

Custom Metrics

200 custom metrics per host

200 custom metrics per host

Ingested Custom Metrics

200 ingested custom metrics per host

200 ingested custom metrics per host

Infrastructure DevSecOps Containers

10 containers per host

10 containers per host

Custom Events

1,000 custom events per host

1.37 custom events per host

Workflow Automation

20 executions per host

0.027 executions per host


Custom Metrics

20 custom metrics per device

20 custom metrics per device

Ingested Custom Metrics

20 ingested custom metrics per device

20 ingested custom metrics per device


Indexed Spans

1,000,000 indexed spans per APM host

1,370 indexed spans per APM host

Ingested Spans

150 GB per APM host

0.205 GB per APM host


Indexed Spans

1,000,000 indexed spans per APM host

1,370 indexed spans per APM host

Ingested Spans

150 GB per APM host

0.205 GB per APM host

Data Streams Monitoring

1 DSM host per APM host

1 DSM host per APM host

APM Enterprise

Indexed Spans

1,000,000 indexed spans per APM host

1,370 indexed spans per APM host

Ingested Spans

150 GB per APM host

0.205 GB per APM host

Data Streams Monitoring

1 DSM host per APM host

1 DSM host per APM host

Continuous Profiler

1 profiled host per APM host

1 profiled host per APM host

Profiled Containers

4 profiled containers per APM host

4 profiled containers per APM host

APM DevSecOps

Indexed Spans

1,000,000 indexed spans per APM host

1,370 indexed spans per APM host

Ingested Spans

150 GB per APM host

0.205 GB per APM host

APM DevSecOps Pro

Indexed Spans

1,000,000 indexed spans per APM host

1,370 indexed spans per APM host

Ingested Spans

150 GB per APM host

0.205 GB per APM host

Data Streams Monitoring

1 DSM host per APM host

1 DSM host per APM host

APM DevSecOps Enterprise

Indexed Spans

1,000,000 indexed spans per APM host

1,370 indexed spans per APM host

Ingested Spans

150 GB per APM host

0.205 GB per APM host

Data Streams Monitoring

1 DSM host per APM host

1 DSM host per APM host

Continuous Profiler

1 profiled host per APM host

1 profiled host per APM host

Profiled Containers

4 profiled containers per APM host

4 profiled containers per APM host

Fargate (APM)

Indexed Spans

65,000 indexed spans per fargate task

89.04 indexed spans per fargate task

Ingested Spans

10 GB per fargate task

0.0137 GB per fargate task

Fargate (APM Enterprise)

Indexed Spans

65,000 indexed spans per fargate task

89.04 indexed spans per fargate task

Ingested Spans

10 GB per fargate task

0.0137 GB per fargate task

Fargate Task (Continuous Profiler)

1 profiled task per fargate task

1 profiled task per fargate task

Serverless APM

Indexed Spans

300,000 indexed spans per 1M invocations

411 indexed spans per 1M invocations

Ingested Spans

50 GB per 1M invocations

0.068 GB per 1M invocations

Serverless Workload Monitoring - Functions

Custom Metrics

5 custom metrics per function

5 custom metrics per function

Ingested Custom Metrics

5 ingested custom metrics per function

5 ingested custom metrics per function

Serverless Workload Monitoring - Apps

Custom Metrics

5 custom metrics per instance app

5 custom metrics per instance app

Ingested Custom Metrics

5 ingested custom metrics per instance app

5 ingested custom metrics per instance app

Continuous Profiler

Profiled Containers

4 profiled containers per profiled host

4 profiled containers per profiled host

Database Monitoring

Normalized Queries

200 queries per database host

200 queries per database host

Pipeline Visibility

Pipeline Spans

400,000 spans per committer

547.95 spans per committer

Test Optimization

Test Spans

1,000,000 spans per committer

1,370 spans per committer

Cloud Security Management Pro

CSM Pro Containers

5 containers per CSM host

5 containers per CSM host

Workflow Automation

5 executions per CSM host

0.0068 executions per CSM host

Cloud Security Management Enterprise

CSM Enterprise Containers

20 containers per CSM host

20 containers per CSM host

Workflow Automation

20 executions per CSM host

0.027 executions per CSM host

Cloud Workload Security

CWS Containers

4 containers per CWS host

4 containers per CWS host

App Builder

Workflow Automation

5,000 executions per published app

6.80 executions per published app

The list above is not exhaustive and displays default allotments applicable to standard billing agreements. Refer to your contract for any special terms that may impact these quantities. Refer to documentation for more context on how allotments are applied to your usage.