Free Trial | Datadog

Try it free for 14 days

Explore the full Datadog platform and monitor as many servers as you like.

Monitor your stack with a free Datadog trial

and learn how seamlessly uniting metrics, traces, and logs in one platform improves agility, increases efficiency, and provides end-to-end monitoring and security across your entire stack.

Once you’ve completed your you can use Datadog to:

  • Aggregate metrics and events from 850+ technologies
  • Search, analyze, and explore enriched log data
  • Trace requests across distributed systems and alert on app performance
  • Monitor your applications and API endpoints via simulated user requests
  • Seamlessly pivot between correlated data for rapid troubleshooting


トライアル登録フォームに入力 わずか30秒で無料でアカウントを作成。クレジットカードは不要
技術スタックに関する基本的な質問に回答 約1分で完了
Datadog エージェントをインストール システムレベルのメトリクスをDatadogプラットフォームに送信
API経由で追加のメトリクスを取得するための認証情報を提供 AWS、Azure、GCPなどのクラウド環境を完全に可視化
すぐに使えるダッシュボードでパフォーマンスを視覚化 環境全体のパフォーマンスをリアルタイムで確認可能

850+ 以上のすぐに使えるインテグレーション

Try out automated alerting that notifies you to critical issues

Utilize your free trial to test out Datadog's alerting capabilities.


Anomaly detection

Detect when a metric's value deviates from its expected range, based on past trends.


Outlier detection

Find out when members of a group deviate significantly from their peers.


Forecast alerts

Find out when a metric is projected to cross a threshold.


Samsung logo Ubisoft logo Deloitte Cloud logo Cybozuinc logo sansan logo Nginx logo Chef logo Nasdaq logo DreamWorks Animation logo Nikon logo Zynga logo Evernote logo Sonos logo Monotaroco logo

Get the most out of your free trial

Use these resources to guide your trial and learn monitoring best practices.

Datadog Trial Starter Kit