URL Monitoring | Datadog

URL Monitoring

Proactively monitor URL availability, uptime, and performance with Datadog.

Modern URL monitoring should include periodic checks on your web applications and endpoints, whether or not users are currently accessing those resources. Continuous and automated synthetic tests help identify issues during off-hours and monitor URLs and resources that experience relatively little user traffic. Datadog Synthetic Monitoring provides a single pane of glass for monitoring uptime, correlating tests to backend data for rapid troubleshooting, and tracking user experience metrics, like SLOs.



トライアル登録フォームに入力 わずか30秒で無料でアカウントを作成。クレジットカードは不要
技術スタックに関する基本的な質問に回答 約1分で完了
Datadog エージェントをインストール システムレベルのメトリクスをDatadogプラットフォームに送信
API経由で追加のメトリクスを取得するための認証情報を提供 AWS、Azure、GCPなどのクラウド環境を完全に可視化
すぐに使えるダッシュボードでパフォーマンスを視覚化 環境全体のパフォーマンスをリアルタイムで確認可能

Leverage Modern URL Monitoring Tools

Optimize and monitor uptime alongside the rest of your applications.


CI/CD testing

Shift test automation practices to the left to catch issues earlier on in the development process.


SLO tracking

Real time visibility into your SLOs through drag and drop dashboard widgets.


Root cause analysis

Full stack correlation from synthetic tests to metrics, traces, and logs.

URL Monitoring Resources

Learn about Datadog URL monitoring tools and best practices.

URL Monitoring with Datadog


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