SRE Breakout Sessions
Ask an SRE
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a large, complex topic, and one that many organizations, including Datadog, have spent a lot of time thinking about, experimenting with, and ultimately acting upon.
Join us for a discussion and Q&A session where Jason Yee, Staff Technical Advocate at Datadog, will chat with Ayelet Sachto, SRE at Google, and Jamie Hannaford, Senior SRE Manager at Datadog, about their experiences shaping their SRE programs, their similarities, and their differences. Then we’ll open things up for questions from the audience.
This session is unable to be recorded or streamed, so make sure you attend in person and come prepared with your list of questions around the topic. This is a great opportunity to join like-minded folks and discuss the future of SRE.
時間 2025-03-04 | 885
Jason Yee
Staff Developer Advocate
Ayelet Sachto
GCP Reliability Automation and Incident Management Tech Lead
Jamie Hannaford
Senior Engineering Manager
SRE Breakout Sessions
Ask an SRE
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a large, complex topic, and one that many organizations, including Datadog, have spent a lot of time thinking about, experimenting with, and ultimately acting upon.
Join us for a discussion and Q&A session where Jason Yee, Staff Technical Advocate at Datadog, will chat with Ayelet Sachto, SRE at Google, and Jamie Hannaford, Senior SRE Manager at Datadog, about their experiences shaping their SRE programs, their similarities, and their differences. Then we’ll open things up for questions from the audience.
This session is unable to be recorded or streamed, so make sure you attend in person and come prepared with your list of questions around the topic. This is a great opportunity to join like-minded folks and discuss the future of SRE.