datadog talk
Ask an SRE
Site Reliability Engineering is a large, complex topic, and one that we at Datadog have spent a lot of time thinking, reasoning, experimenting, and ultimately acting upon. Join us for a discussion and Q&A with Léo Cavaillé, Senior Director of SRE at Datadog, and Nikolay Krapivnyy, Site Reliability Engineer at Google Cloud, about their experiences iterating their SRE programs, their similarities, and their differences. We’ll provide a brief overview of SRE, talk through the core concepts, and share some of what we’ve learned and what works well for each of the organizations. Then we’ll open things up for questions from the audience, so come prepared with anything you want to ask!
You can pre-ask your questions by filling this form.
時間 2024-03-26 | 900
ROOM: Porter Tun
datadog talk
Ask an SRE
Site Reliability Engineering is a large, complex topic, and one that we at Datadog have spent a lot of time thinking, reasoning, experimenting, and ultimately acting upon. Join us for a discussion and Q&A with Léo Cavaillé, Senior Director of SRE at Datadog, and Nikolay Krapivnyy, Site Reliability Engineer at Google Cloud, about their experiences iterating their SRE programs, their similarities, and their differences. We’ll provide a brief overview of SRE, talk through the core concepts, and share some of what we’ve learned and what works well for each of the organizations. Then we’ll open things up for questions from the audience, so come prepared with anything you want to ask!
You can pre-ask your questions by filling this form.