Datadog Metrics Product Brief | Datadog

Datadog Metrics Product Brief

Collect metrics for your entire distributed environment at scale, with unmatched retention and granularity.

Datadog Metrics Product Brief

Collect metrics for your entire distributed environment at scale, with unmatched retention and granularity.

Metrics are a quantifiable and objective way of understanding your business and technology environment. They help you proactively monitor KPIs, identify and resolve issues, uncover optimization opportunities, and make accurate forecasts. But with exponential growth of data, ephemeral and dynamic cloud environments, and distributed teams with diverse requirements, it’s become increasingly difficult to monitor all your metrics in a consistent way.

Datadog enables you to ingest, analyze, and govern all your metrics in a single unified platform, so you can simplify workstreams, make data-driven decisions in context, and improve visibility across teams.

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