Try Datadog Monitoring, Get a Free T-Shirt | Datadog

Cloud-Scale Monitoring,
Minus the Complexity

Complete visibility into infrastructure performance with effortless deployment, minimal maintenance, and unparalleled breadth of coverage. Start your trial today, build a dashboard, and we’ll send you a free Datadog t-shirt!


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850+ 以上のすぐに使えるインテグレーション


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See Inside Any Stack, Any App, At Any Scale, Anywhere

  • Monitor cloud-based, hybrid, and on-premise services, serverless functions, databases, containers, and more with Datadog’s 850+ vendor-backed integrations
  • Create your own customized or out-of-the-box dashboards in seconds
  • Navigate seamlessly among your logs, infrastructure metrics, application traces, and triggered security signals on a unified platform

Automatically Surface Issues within Your Infrastructure

  • Detect anomalies in your IT infrastructure within seconds using Watchdog
  • View all your cloud and on-prem servers from a bird’s eye view; drill into individual hosts with 1 click
  • Monitor your containers as quickly as they are created and destroyed
  • Visualize highly-granular data and custom metrics in real time

Detect, Diagnose, & Resolve Performance Issues Quickly

  • Identify critical issues quickly with a real-time service map, AI-powered synthetic monitors, and alerts on performance issues, including availability, response times, reliability, and throughput
  • Rapidly pinpoint bottlenecks, errors, heavy traffic issues, slow-running queries, and more with end-to-end application tracing, latency breakdowns, continuous profiling, and real user monitoring
  • Test hypotheses in seconds by overlaying events onto time-synchronized graphs

Receive Alerts Only for the Issues that Matter and Eliminate False-Positives

  • Set up recommended alerts with 1 click for anomalies and outliers that account for daily, weekly, and seasonal fluctuations
  • Proactively prevent outages and errors in the future by alerting on metric forecasts
  • Combine alerts into composite alerts for greater granularity and stronger signal to reduce the noise
  • Automatically detect unanticipated outliers, anomalies, and errors with Watchdog

Monitoring That's Simple to Deploy and Effortless to Manage

  • Track tens of thousands of infrastructure metrics and hundreds of drilled down query metrics out-of-the-box
  • Deploy and start monitoring without any need for professional services or extensive training
  • Promote adoption across your organization with our intuitive user interface that requires no query language and can be used by anyone