Certification | Datadog

Datadog 認定プログラム

Datadog は、インフラストラクチャー、アプリケーション、ログなどのためのクラウドネイティブなモニタリング・セキュリティプラットフォームです。Datadog は、企業のシステムセキュリティの確保、ダウンタイムの回避、最高のユーザーエクスペリエンスの実現を支援します。Datadog の認定プログラムは、Datadog 製品のインストール、構成、使用について深く理解している個人を認定することを目的としています。


Datadog の基礎 (Datadog Fundamentals)

Datadog の基礎(Datadog Fundamentals)は、Datadog が提供する基礎的な認定資格です。この試験では、プラットフォームを効果的に使用するために必要なコア知識がテストされます。基本的なコンピュータの基礎知識、Datadog によるインフラストラクチャーのデプロイ、ネットワーキングと Datadog Agent の構成、データ収集、Datadog Agent のトラブルシューティング、データの視覚化と活用などが含まれます。(日本語)

ログ管理の基礎 (Log Management Fundamentals)

Datadog のログ管理の基礎 (Log Management Fundamentals) は、Datadog によるログ取得とログ管理に関する基本的な知識をテストします。この試験では、Datadog によるログ取得の基礎、ログの収集、ログのパース、ログの検索とフィルター、ログの分析、ログの活用、ログのトラブルシューティングをカバーします。(英語)

APM と分散型トレーシングの基礎 (APM and Distributed Tracing Fundamentals)

Datadog の APM と分散型トレーシングの基礎 (APM and Distributed Tracing Fundamentals) は、APM 製品の基本的な知識をテストします。この試験では、APM の基礎、Datadog による アプリケーションインスツルメンテーション、Datadog APM によるインサイトの発見、インサイトの視覚化、APM を使用したアプリケーションのトラブルシューティングをカバーします。(英語)

FAQ を見る

You can sign up for a Datadog Certification exam by visiting: https://www.webassessor.com/DATADOG

Webassessor is Kryterion’s platform where you can register for an exam, take an exam, and view the exams you have completed.

As of January 2025, we have selected Kryterion as our certification exam vendor.

To learn more about Kryterion click here: https://www.kryterion.com/about-kryterion/

Earning a Datadog certification credential is valuable for you, for your career, and for your company.

Observability is essential for managing modern infrastructure and applications. Earning a Datadog Certification confirms your expertise with the Datadog platform and its features.

It demonstrates to peers and employers that you are skilled in using the industry’s leading observability platform and have proven your ability to apply that knowledge effectively.

We currently offer three certification exams:

  • Datadog Fundamentals
  • APM & Distributed Tracing Fundamentals
  • Log Management Fundamentals

Online Proctored Exam (Remote): You can take the exam remotely with live monitoring by a proctor via webcam. Watch this video on what to expect during an Online Proctored exam.

To learn more about online proctored exams click here: https://kryterion.my.site.com/support/s/topic/0TO1W000000I5h3WAC/online-proctoring?language=en_US

On-site Proctored Exam: You can take an exam in-person at a testing center. Click here for a list of test centers.

To learn more about on-site proctored exams click here: https://kryterion.my.site.com/support/s/topic/0TO1W000000I5h4WAC/onsite-proctoring?language=en_US

Datadog Fundamentals Certification Exam:

  • English, Japanese, Korean

Log Management Fundamentals:

  • English

APM & Distributed Tracing Fundamentals:

  • English

Each certification exam consists of 90 multiple-choice questions.

The cost to take a Datadog certification exam is US$100.

To request reasonable accommodation for your certification exam, submit this form at least 30 days prior to your scheduled exam date

Datadog certifications are valid for three years from the date of certification. After this period, you may renew your certification by retaking the exam.

For information on the technical requirements for taking an online proctored exam visit: https://kryterion.my.site.com/support/s/article/Online-Testing-Requirements

Perform a systems compatibility check by following the instructions on this website: https://www.kryterion.com/systemcheck/

If you encounter technical issues during your online proctored exam, contact Kryterion’s live support team by following these instructions:

Bring two different forms of identification. You will need one primary form of identification (e.g., government-issued driver’s license or ID card, passport) and one secondary form of identification (e.g., student ID from an accredited school, credit or bank card).

For a full list of acceptable forms of identification, visit this website: https://kryterion.my.site.com/support/s/article/What-Type-of-Identification-Must-I-Bring-to-the-Testing-Center?language=en_US

Read this article to learn what to expect before your Onsite Proctored Exam: https://kryterion.my.site.com/support/s/article/What-to-expect-the-day-of-your-exam?language=en_US

There are no formal prerequisites for taking a Datadog Certification exam. The certification exam is open to everyone.

The recommended experience with Datadog varies by certification exam and is detailed in the exam guide. You’ll do best if you have at least a few months of experience using Datadog with live systems. You can download our exam guides here: https://learn.datadoghq.com/pages/certification

We do not publicly disclose the passing score of our certification exams. The passing mark is determined by the percentage of correct answers.

We recommend that you review the exam guide for each certification exam. These are a great starting point for your studies. The exam guide contains a list of topics included in the exam.

We also recommend that you complete the related 25-question practice exam.

Datadog Certification Exam Guide & Practice Exams: https://learn.datadoghq.com/pages/certification

The Datadog Learning Center includes learning paths that cover many (but not all) concepts included in the exams. Most courses include a free, live lab environment and a trial Datadog account.


Yes, you can prepare for your certification exam by reviewing the corresponding exam guide and completing the 25-question practice exam for your specific certification.

Datadog Certification Exam Guide & Practice Exams: https://learn.datadoghq.com/pages/certification

Certification exam results are available immediately after completing the exam. You should expect an email with your overall score and exam result. The email will come from Kryterion. We suggest checking your spam folder, as it might occasionally be redirected there.

After passing your certification exam, check your email for a verified badge from Credly. Your Credly badge can be shared across various networks to showcase your accomplishment to your peers. We suggest checking your spam folder, as it might occasionally be redirected there.

We don’t provide a score report with this level of detail. Doing so would compromise the integrity of the exam and could lead to the distribution of our exam questions.

You can attempt the exam as many times as needed to pass. However, within 180 days from your first attempt, you are limited to two additional retakes, for a maximum of three attempts in a 180 day window.

If you fail to pass after the third attempt, you must wait 180 days before trying again. An absence will only be counted as an attempt if it is classified as a “No Call No Show Absence.”

A “no call no show” absence is defined as failing to appear for the scheduled certification exam without prior cancellation or rescheduling. This absence is counted as an exam attempt and will result in the forfeiture of the exam fee or voucher.

Follow the instructions below to reschedule or cancel your Datadog Certification exam. Note that rescheduling and cancellations are subject to our cancellation policy. General Instructions:

  • Step 1: Log in to https://www.webassessor.com/datadog using your account credentials
  • Step 2: Select the “My Assessments Tab”
  • Step 3: In Scheduled Exams, click the Reschedule/Cancel link.

To Reschedule:

  • Step 1: In the new screen, click the Reschedule button and follow the prompts.
  • Step 2: After rescheduling select “done”.

To Cancel:

  • Step 1: In the new screen, click the Cancel button.
  • Step 2: In the “Process Refund” screen select “Yes, cancel this registration”
  • Step 3: Click submit

For more information on how to reschedule or cancel your certification exam, click here: https://kryterion.my.site.com/support/s/article/How-to-reschedule-cancel-your-assessment?language=en_US

Onsite proctored exams must be canceled or rescheduled at least 72 hours before the scheduled exam time. Online proctored exams must be canceled or rescheduled at least 24 hours before the scheduled exam time.

Failure to reschedule or cancel within these timeframes will result in the forfeiture of your exam fee or voucher code.

You can reach us at certifications@datadoghq.com.