Service-Catalog | Datadog

Improve developer experience and collaboration with Service Catalog schema version 3.0

Learn how new features in Service Catalog schema v3.0 give organizations an even clearer view of their tech ...

How Datadog's Infrastructure team manages internal deployments using the Service Catalog and CI/CD Visibility

See how we manage our own deployments at Datadog with the Service Catalog, CI/CD Visibility, and internal ...

Machine learning model monitoring: Best practices

Learn about key metrics and best practices for monitoring the functional performance of ML models to spot ...

Best practices for end-to-end service ownership with Datadog Service Catalog

Learn best practices for the design and management of service catalogs, as well as how Datadog Service Catalog ...

Improve your shift-left observability with the Datadog Service Catalog

Learn how you can use the Datadog Service Catalog to audit your teams’ shift-left practices and spot issues in ...

Formalize your organization's best practices with custom Scorecards in Datadog

Custom Scorecards empower teams to define their own criterias to monitor and improve service quality

Visualize service ownership and application boundaries in the Service Map

Learn how to help your entire organization quickly grasp evolving microservice architectures in order to ...

Import Backstage YAML files into Datadog to manage all your services in one place

Streamline your service definition with Service Catalog support for Backstage YAML.

I use GitHub Ac­tions for Data­dog's Service Catalog, and you should, too

Learn a convenient and secure way to flesh out your service definitions through an open source custom action ...

Prioritize and promote service observability best practices with Service Scorecards

Service Scorecards expand the Service Catalog to help service owners and SREs spot and remediate observability ...

Easily add tags and metadata to your services using the simplified Service Catalog setup

The updated Service Catalog makes it easier to add services that are not yet monitored by Datadog, enrich ...

Manage Service Catalog entries efficiently with the Service Definition JSON Schema

Create and edit service definitions quickly and accurately.

Simplify microservice governance with the Datadog Service Catalog

The Service Catalog gives you a birds-eye view of all your services in real time.
