Datadog Kubernetes Log Management | Datadog

Kubernetes Log Management & Analytics

Easily search and analyze your Kubernetes logs at any scale, on any budget. Quickly troubleshoot issues, optimize performance, and investigate security threats with rich context.

Why Datadog?

No Custom Query Language Required

Leverage unified tagging to filter and search anything easily — no training needed

Enterprise Scale & Reliability

Whatever your scale or use cases, take advantage of our SaaS platform that’s always prepared to handle more

750+ Vendor-Backed Integrations

Datadog offers wide coverage across any technology, with support and log processing templates provided by Datadog

Logging Without Limits™

Simple, but powerful techniques for prioritizing logs and staying in budget–without manual backups or dropping data

750+ Turn-Key Integrations, Including

Product Benefits

Investigate and Troubleshoot Kubernetes Issues Faster

  • Discover log patterns and errors rapidly without the need to investigate and read every individual log file
  • Visualize and explore collected logs using an intuitive, facet-driven navigation designed for outage responders
  • See log data in context with auto-tagging and metric correlation
  • Pivot from logs to the corresponding APM traces with a single click

Efficiently Store & Analyze High Volume Logs

  • Store real-time application logs in Standard Tier and high-volume security, network, operational logs, and more in Flex Tier
  • Utilize Flex Logs to adjust your retention and querying capacity independently, fulfilling even more use cases than with standard retention
  • Maximize storage capacity and explore all log types seamlessly with the Log Explorer's tailored querying capabilities, enabling both simple and complex investigations

Easily Manage Your Kubernetes Logs with an Intuitive Platform

  • Analyze all your Kubernetes logs with just a few simple clicks and eliminate the need to learn a complex, custom query language
  • Generate metrics from all your ingested logs right within the UI
  • Create real-time log analytics dashboards in seconds with Datadog’s drag-and-drop capabilities

Control Costs without Sacrificing Visibility

  • Collect, process, inspect, and archive all your logs for only $.10/GB; monitor all your ingested logs in real time with Live Tail
  • Only pay to index the logs you need
  • Quickly access archived logs dating back to any time period with the ability to rehydrate logs into indexes in a few simple clicks
  • Significantly reduce the costs associated with the storage of high-volume logs necessary for audit and compliance purposes

Monitor Your Containerized Environment in a Single Screen

  • Analyze the health of all your containers by pod, namespace, and node distributed across any cloud environment
  • Avoid resource contention and deficiency by drilling into individual containers running hot with 1 click
  • Automatically collect, monitor, and visualize high-granularity metrics from all your containers at 15s. granularity for 15 months

Manage High-Scale K8s Environments with Confidence

  • Enable low impact monitoring of 10,000+ nodes with the cluster agent
  • Optimize horizontal auto-scaling by connecting Datadog to your HPA and collecting request rate, latency, and available network bandwidth
  • Gain visibility into container orchestration and easily manage Kubernetes pods over or under-allocating available resources via the real-time live container view and auto-generated container map
  • Improve operational costs and reduce excess capacity based on high-granularity historical data

Real results from Datadog customers

12B Log events each day, managed cost-effectively
<2 min Mean time to resolution (MTTR)
50% Cost savings on cloud resources

Loved & Trusted by Thousands

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