Observability Pipelines | Datadog

Unify security operations with standardized logging using Datadog Observability Pipelines and Amazon Security Lake

Observability Pipelines’ integration with Amazon Security Lake enables you to manage and analyze security logs ...

Stream logs in the OCSF format to your preferred security vendors or data lakes with Observability Pipelines

Learn how Observability Pipelines can transform your security logs into OCSF format before they leave your ...

Generate metrics from your high-volume logs with Datadog Observability Pipelines

Learn how Observability Pipelines can extract metrics from your logs before they leave your environment, ...

Transform and enrich your logs with Datadog Observability Pipelines

Learn how Observability Pipelines' out-of-the-box processors tokenize and enrich logs while en route to their ...

Aggregate, process, and route logs easily with Datadog Observability Pipelines

Learn how the latest version of Observability Pipelines enables you to easily control the volume of your log ...

Archive your logs with Observability Pipelines for a simple and affordable migration to Datadog

Learn how Observability Pipelines helps you store historical logs for a smooth transition to Datadog Log ...

Control your log volumes with Datadog Observability Pipelines

Learn how you can use Datadog Observability Pipelines to selectively reduce the log data you send to ...

Dual ship logs with Datadog Observability Pipelines

Learn how Datadog Observability Pipelines helps you send the same logging data to two destinations to meet ...

Redact sensitive data from your logs on-prem by using Observability Pipelines

Efficiently maintain data residency compliance and customer confidentiality.
