Monitor Microsoft Fabric With Datadog | Datadog

Monitor Microsoft Fabric with Datadog

Author Thomas Sobolik
Author Ashwin Gandhi

Published: August 9, 2024

Microsoft Fabric is Microsoft’s new platform for all things data analytics—integrating key Azure data analysis products like Azure Data Factory, Azure Synapse, and Power BI into a unified platform. Fabric is intended to provide a one-stop shop where users with various levels of expertise across an organization can perform data analysis and collect insights. Fabric is particularly aimed at generative AI and other modern big data use cases, where vast and complex data collection, management, and processing is required.

Datadog is pleased to announce a new Microsoft Fabric integration enabling customers who use Azure Synapse on Fabric to monitor SQL Pools, Big Data Pools, Synapse Workspaces, and SQL streaming. In this post, we’ll discuss how you can use the Microsoft Fabric integration’s out-of-the-box metrics, dashboard, and monitors to track these Synapse assets’ health, activity, and performance.

Investigate the health and performance of your Synapse assets

Once you’ve set up the integration, Datadog will start collecting metrics from your Azure Synapse assets. The out-of-the-box dashboard provides a high-level overview of these metrics. You can use the dashboard to track utilization and health metrics for both SQL Pools and SQL Streaming jobs.

For instance, you can use the SQL Pools widgets to track the count of successful and blocked connections. This can help you identify situations where traffic is abnormally high and you need to revisit your pools’ access control policies. You can also monitor these connection volume metrics in conjunction with timeouts and data warehouse unit (DWU) usage to determine whether or not you need to add more storage, for instance. You can also monitor them in conjunction with CPU and memory utilization metrics to determine whether to scale up your SQL pools to match query volume or scale them down to minimize spend.

Monitor key SQL Pools metrics in the Microsoft Fabric dashboard

Additionally, you can use the SQL Streaming widgets to track input and output events from SQL Streaming, alongside the DWU utilization of your streams. You can use the error graph to look out for spikes in deserialization, runtime, and conversion errors, as well as track out-of-order events that are being dropped due to errors or processed out of order due to latency.

Monitor key SQL Streaming metrics in the Microsoft Fabric dashboard

Track emergent issues with your Synapse runtimes as they happen

You can also leverage the integration’s metrics with out-of-the-box monitors that can notify your engineers as soon as a key health or performance signal for one of your Synapse objects reaches a critical threshold. For example, the out-of-the-box forecast monitor for SQL Pools’ DWU usage lets you know when a pool’s utilization is about to exceed its allotted capacity, so you can scale up before any issues arise.

Get alerted on DWU usage with an out-of-the-box monitor

Additionally, there’s an out-of-the-box forecast monitor for SQL Pools’ processed data volume. This monitor can alert your team to unexpected spikes in usage that may be leading to high costs and other issues.

Get alerted on processed data volume with an out-of-the-box monitor

Monitor Microsoft Fabric with Datadog

Microsoft Fabric is here to stay as Azure’s fully vertical data analytics solution for generative AI and other cutting-edge big data use cases. Datadog will continually support Fabric so that you can continue to track the health and performance of your Azure Synapse assets within Fabric’s unified platform.

Datadog’s Fabric integration is just one part of our comprehensive support for Azure users, which includes integrations with Azure VM, Azure OpenAI, Azure Kubernetes Service, CosmosDB, and more. See our Azure solutions page for more information. To get started with the Fabric integration, see the integration tile and documentation.

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